About Us

The Open Web Design project was founded in November 2005 by Aaron "MonkeyMan" Nikula as a resource for users with no design skills to quickly put up a site and showcase their content and as a way for designers to share their designs and showcase their talent.
Who contibutes to Open Web Design?

Thanks to our web host, cerebrum. I originally chose them for their wide support of various technologies (postgresql, rails, etc.), and they have really helped us out.

Shay "shay" - Developer / Maintainer - Since: 10.01.2006
Aaron "MonkeyMan" Nikula - Developer / Maintainer - Since: 10.01.2000
Josh "BrainDed-" Hansen - Developer / Maintainer - Since: 10.01.2000
Josh "JoshPowell" Powell - Maintainer - Since: 10.01.2005

The site design is based on a design by haran, and the site-specific graphics were created by JayKay.

A big thanks to contest judges! Josh Hansen, Josh Powell, Caio Begotti, Haran, and Andreas Viklund. Open Web Design fortunately has many talented designers as members who are available to judge our contests. EOF


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